I've been going to Otakon every year since 10th grade (Otakon 2000). It's an anime convention
in Baltimore, Maryland, at the Baltimore Convention center. It's the largest anime convention
on the east coast. There are lots of things to do there... There is so much to do and so little
time to do it all @_@ there are lots of special events during the day, anime is playing almost
constantly, there are dances, and an art show and gaming rooms and it's really really fun.
If you're in the area and you want to go (or even if you're not in the area) check out the
Otakon webpage
Otakon 2001 Pictures
Me as Alexiel At the Hotel |
Me as Alexiel and Sara Taken by Kendra |
Mad Hatter, Alexiel, and Kurai |
Setsuna and two girls... (Two girls not from AS) |
Kira and Alexiel Taking by Kendra |
Kira and Alexiel Close-Up |
Alexiel, Rociel, Michael, Setsuna, Mad Hatter, Kurai, and Sara Taken by Kendra |
Setsuna Close-Up |